About This Game Note: Macabre has supported full screen mode since day one. It will default into a window that can either be dragged to a size of your choice, or put completely in full screen by pressing ALT+Enter (Tested on PC, should work on Linux and Mac as well).What is Macabre?"An earthquake of cataclysmic proportions annihilates the world and ushers in what many address as “the end of times”. But is it really the end?Join one man as he travels the world in order to unravel the truth behind these tragic events."Features: Classic JRPG gameplay. A refreshing take on the random battle system that rewards grinding, or allows you to skip fighting altogether. Over a dozen side quests, many of which utilize a “fast travel” turn-in system. Over 40 in-game achievements. (STEAM achievements not possible at this time) A simple, but tiered crafting system with over 100 craftable items. Some customizable stat growth via the augment system. Semi-randomized loot that encourages exploration. 5-15 hours of gameplay depending on your playstyle. Controller support with JoyToKey (Windows) (other software might work too, but not tested). 7aa9394dea Title: MacabreGenre: Indie, RPGDeveloper:Cornbread Juice GamesPublisher:Cornbread Juice GamesRelease Date: 6 Jul, 2015 Macabre Download Gratis Macabre is..... a ruin of a game.Poorly designed game, no mouse options.Although I gave it quite some room in the graphics department (pixel game afterall) the monster and character designs are just horrible. Every time I get the silly hair of the main character in my screen I cringe.Combat seems lacklustre and repetitive.The story is slow and the text in the screen is rather annoyingly slow to go through.Looting (especially loot boxes) is slow, every item is "found" ans shown as text blurb: "Great I've now found scrap materials for the seventh time in a row; wonder why I didn't find seven scrap materials in one blurb."Played for a while and saved. Next day decided to give it another go to see if it got better and save game didnt exist.I'm not playing this again, too tedious to go through.Too bad, premis seemed nice.. 640 by 400 fixed resolution, no full screen, fixed keybindings, in a cross platform game from this centry... really?the 10cm wide window makes for basically an unplayable experience... unless of course you're happy to mess up all your desktop icons and run your OS in a resolution that was tiny last centry (fortunatly the dekstop I use will remember icon positions per resolution but this isn't usally the case), seriously a scalable UI is really really easy to implement... unforgivable.... oh and want sound effects and no music or slightly quieter music compared to effects.... forget it.... just plain lazy..... Macabre is a nice and simple JRPG in the style of the old 16-bit classics. Does this game hold a light to those games? Sort of.Story:-Despite the game taking place in a medieval setting, the story isn't 100% typical of your usual save the princess, stop the evil guy plotline. The story takes a couple of interesting turns and the settings are varied enough to keep you interested throughout your short journey. Also, the main character looks like Guile from Street Fighter with red hair, which is pretty rad.Gameplay:-The battle system is quite typical. You have the option to attack, cast spells, and use items. The only real unique aspect is that characters can only gain new spells by using spells, similar to how Saga Frontier handles it. Outside of combat, you can equip your characters with various weapons and armor. There is an additional "augury" equip slot that allows your characters to get various stat bonuses at level-up but the mechanic seemed a bit underwhelming.-Exploration is rewarded with loot and various side-quests. I found that grabbing as much loot as I could left me with a stockpile of gold and supplies by the end of the game. There are a limited number of random encounters in each area. Once the limit has been reached, the player is given the option to turn off the encounters to allow from uninterupted explortation. I found this to be a nice touch.-Crafting is a bit tedious. In order to craft the best weapons and armor you have to craft A LOT of items. Crafting items that you already have feels mindless and is really only a waste of time. I had well over 100 crafting materials by the end of the game because I didn't want to craft the same sword over and over in order to get my crafting level high enough. The equipment you get from shops is good enough that I didn't see much of a reason to craft any more. Graphics:-The quality of graphics wouldn't have been acceptable in 1995, let alone 2015. On the bright side, the graphics are consistently bad so the game has a certain style and charm to it. If the developer were to make another game I'd recommend either hiring extra help with the pixel art or giving your artist more time to work on the sprites. Music:-I'm not sure if the soundtrack is original but it fits the game rather nicely. Each area seems to have its appropriate song matched with it. Replayability:-There are two difficulty settings and a set of achievements. There isn't much character customization and the storyline is strictly linear. I would have a tough time finding a reason to go through the game again.CONCLUSION:I really liked this game. It may have some faults but the overall package was satisfying for the 7 hours it took for me to complete it. Macabre isn't a revolutionary RPG but it does what it can do well. I am eager to see the next game from MOCBJ Software and wish them the best of luck!. A really great JRPG. I finished the game in only 3 sessions in about 6 hours. So it's short but a very concise, complete experience. The story was dark, with a cool twist at the end I didn't see coming. the combat was standard JRPG battles, except you only learned new abilities by using the ones you already have, and theres a small chance you'll learna new one, which I thought was interesting. The ability to craft and loot tons of gear really lets you go all out in any battle b\/c you know you can replenish your stats and items easily after battle. Very good JRPG overall, best one I've played since last year's "Lisa" which I also thought was excellent. A cut above most other retro stlyle rpg's.. Annoying to navigate menus and loot is repetitive. I'm not sure where the positive reviews came from (maybe the developer's friends). Sure, spend a couple bucks on it, but don't expect much. I was very disappointed.. This was a really fun game. Though, it wasn't as long as I had hoped, it was worth the price for me. The style of gameplay felt like old school FF games, but the enemies and characters have their own style about them that sets Macabre apart. I really enjoyed the crafting aspect of the game, which adds LOTS to the game just by being there.. This old style rpg from MOCBJ Software has much more going for it than I thought I would see, especially considering the price. So, not expecting a lot, I decided to give this one a go.As with any rpg, the story is hugely important. Without a decent and captivating story to tell the game can lose your interest, but this one tells a tale that keeps you interested and involved from the beginning.An earhquake has tossed the main hero, Fred, on a beach needing to make his way home in a now shattered world. Along the way he meets the rest of the party, discovers what is behind the upheaval, deals with various side quests (16), battles thieves and assorted monsters, and collects more loot than you can imagine.Loot comes in the form of "scrap material", "mystery meat", coins, and many other collectibles which are all used in the crafting system featured in the game.And although the crafting system is not seen in these old style games that often, it is easy to learn so that you can have the items, weapons, armor, etc. that you need to have success in the game. In a lot of ways this game reminds me of the original Final Fantasy, or even the old Phantasy Star seies. In addition to the crafting, the graphics really take you back ---- for those who remember playing those classics when they came out. And there are aspects that give it a thoroughly modern feel as well. The characters are fun with lots of personality (Alan), the humor is current, nothing forced with a few LOL moments. And the music is great and adds greatly to the game's enjoyment.I was impressed with the ease of working the menu with just the keyboard, and the game flowed quickly and smoothly with no glitching at all. Save the game often as you never know what's coming next (even in the towns). Also, if after a recent save you are not happy with the loot you pick up when there are a bunch of boxes, chests, bookcases, etc. ---- just go back to the last save and try again because the loot will be different. Clocking in at around 15-20 hours, it's a can't miss addition to the rpg library.. This game isn't going to blow your mind and change your life, but what it does it does well. The combat is decent for a jrpg type game (and has actually provide a pretty good challenge). The story is pretty good so far, mostly serious with some dry bits of humor that is done pretty well. Character building\/character progression is lite, but different. I have been enjoying the setting. Characters are good so far. I actually have been reading and paying attention to the story and what people say or what is written in journals, etc, I pick up. The bottom line - is this game worth $3 (or $2.50 currently on sale)? Yes, definitely. This game has more going for it than a lot of the generic jrpgs\/rpg maker games that come out and sell for $15 or $20. I've already have gotten $3 out of it, and I feel safe recommending it to people who can tolerate the graphics.The cons, to me, are-Controls, I can't rebind keysLike most of these games the controller UI is awful on a civilized keyboard and mouse set-up and having to navigate the UI to do something simple is a huge pain in the\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665(which is true for every game like this, from FF7 to Skyrim).Thats about it, but for a pretty decent game at full price $3 I can't complain.. At four hours in I think I can give a fair review of this game. The combat is solid, the music is good, the story telling\/story is amazing for a rpg of this kind. It has an old school feel with a few modern ideas in it, such as the ability to stop random encounters and to fast travel to a completed quest. If you are looking for an rpg in the vein of FInal Fantasy 6 or Phantasy star this is the game on steam to pick up. It puts new spins on old tropes anc cliches which is nice, and the enemies are pretty varried. I don't have any real complaints about this game. A fair warning though, this game has switch puzzles that can be a little on the hard side compared to what you may be used to.. A pleasant way to spend 5-6 hours. The story is...interesting, and the gameplay, while repetitive at times, can provide its own challenges. I think the efforts to make it a retro-style experience made it less polished; the crafting\/fast-travel\/questing systems seemed a little clunky on account of the programming. This was a pain in the heiney considering the grinding associated with the crafting system (constantly remaking and salvaging materials just to get that +1) and the overall shortness of the game. Overall, a fun experience. I just feel bad that it could've been so much better just by making a few different systems in-game more efficient. If the developer made another game, I'd take a look.
Macabre Download Gratis
Updated: Dec 8, 2020